It’s time for the latest Moab News about the Condo in Moab. Bookings for May are very strong. June has only a few days available near the end of the month. If you don’t mind warmer weather, then July and August might be your best bets in the near future.
The summer months in Moab tend to be fairly hot. It’s not unusual to see temperatures in the triple digits during the peak daylight hours. But once the sun goes down it cools off rather quickly. It’s nice to enjoy those balmy summer nights out on the patio. There is a nice barbecue grill where you can work your culinary magic outdoors.
In the summer time, it’s best to visit Arches and Canyonlands National Parks during the early morning hours. You get the benefit of cooler temperatures and fewer people. When the sun gets higher in the sky river rafting is a great recreational activity. There are many different companies providing day trips and multi-night excursions.
If you have never been river rafting before, start out slow with an easy day trip. A gentle float down a short stretch of either the Green or Colorado Rivers is best for beginners. More experienced river runners have a lot of multi-day options from which to choose.
We had a relatively mild winter this past year according to the Moab news. So, river rafting season will likely peak in July and dwindle in August. We recommend that you hire a guide unless you are extremely experienced at running white water. Every year the rivers flow a little bit differently. This is due to variations in snowmelt, water flow rates and changes to the river beds that occur each year.
Make sure you always wear a life jacket when on the river. Even the strongest swimmers are no match for powerful rapids. If you do find yourself getting tossed out of the raft point your feet downriver. Going headfirst is never a good idea. There are lots of rocks and obstacles that you could crash into.
Whenever possible try to travel in a group with at least 2 or more rafts. That way if you encounter trouble there will be someone nearby to help. River rafting is a lot of fun. But we don’t want to read about you in the Moab news.