Things are rather quiet at the condo in Moab this time of year. December and January are the slowest months of the year for visitors coming to this part of the world. The weather tends to be rather chilly and there are occasional snowstorms dusting the area.
Sometimes there can be accumulations of snow and access to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks may be limited. The entrance roads to both parks have some significant uphill grades. As a result, it is good to be extra cautious when driving in this part of the world during the wintertime.
Visitors to the condo in Moab during winter are advised to put snow tires on their car. If you have four-wheel-drive along with snow tires that is even better. Make sure that you give yourself plenty of room between your car and the other vehicles around you. Tailgating is never a good idea and it’s especially dangerous this time of year.
We also recommend that you keep extra food, water and warm clothing in your car along with blankets or sleeping bags. Weather conditions in the mountains can be unforgiving. It only takes one traffic accident to block the road and create a backup that could potentially last for many hours. Every winter people suffer great hardship in the mountains of the Western United States when they travel unprepared. Better safe than sorry…
Here is the upcoming weather forecast for the remainder of this week at the condo in Moab:
Showers of snow and rain return for Christmas Eve and Christmas
Day with activity lingering through Thursday. Accumulating snow
is expected for the southern and central mountains with lesser
amounts further north. Many valley locations will see light snow
accumulations with some higher amounts possible in the southern
Unsettled flow will keep periodic snow showers in the forecast for
the mountains through the weekend. Expect daytime highs in the 40s and nighttime lows in the 20s.