The Moab condo will be getting a few improvements in the near future. New downward facing light fixtures have been ordered for the master bathroom and the guest bathroom upstairs. These will provide much better lighting and less glare. Also on the way are beautiful plush Liz Claiborne towels. It’s important that all guests enjoy a quality experience whether you are taking in the beautiful scenery or stepping out of the shower.
Speaking of upgrades, The Rim Village Vista Moab condo development has seen some enhancements. The new swimming pool is going in and a 2nd basketball hoop and backboard were added. There is also a play area for children with a slide and other activities.
Whenever you stay at the Moab condo there will always be plenty to do both indoors and out. All 3 bedrooms plus the living room have large, flat screen TVs. You can enjoy dozens of cable TV channels or just soak up the beautiful view out the picture window.
However, this time of year you might as well enjoy the stunning scenery and the gorgeous weather! The days are getting longer with sunset around 8:15 PM or later. River rafting season will be kicking off soon. Water levels could be a little bit higher than usual this year so plan accordingly.
There are lots of great rafting trips that you can take with the Moab condo as your home base. Both of the Green River and the Colorado River offer excellent opportunities to get on the water and ride the rapids. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a gentle float or that big-time adrenaline rush. The local rafting companies have you covered.
You might even wish to consider coming back in July or August when the warmer temperatures make time on the river even more enjoyable. River rafting trips at Moab Adventure Center come in all sizes from a one-day trip to 14 day journeys into the Grand Canyon. Make sure you plan ahead as the most popular trips get booked up well in advance.

Photo Copyright Don Kanare April 2019
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