Things are really hopping at the condo in Moab! There are only 5 nights available during May and 8 nights open in June. Both Arches and Canyonlands National Parks enjoy their peak visitor season this time of year. The long sunny days and pleasantly cool nights make this a wonderful time to stay at the condo in Moab and enjoy the beautiful red rock scenery.
It was a really big winter in the mountains all across the Western US. As a result, river flows are much higher than normal. This can mean several different things depending on which river you plan to ride and what sections you might be considering.
In some places the white water will be extreme with rapids running higher and faster than usual. However, some locations could find that the water level is so high that the rapids will have temporarily disappeared and will reemerge when the water level drops. And there will be occasional stretches that are completely impassable until water levels return to normal.
Unless you live in the Canyonlands area (or are a “river rat”) it just makes sense to take a guided trip whenever you venture out. Conditions change not just year-to-year but also week to week depending on snow melt and other factors. There is no substitute for local knowledge when it comes to safety and enjoyment on the Green, Colorado, Gunnison and other rivers in this part of the world.
Whether you are in a raft, canoe, kayak or any other type of floating object it just makes sense to wear a life jacket. Even the greatest swimmers in the world are no match for the powerful rapids and currents. If you do find yourself thrown overboard, point your feet downstream. Try to get back to your watercraft ASAP.
If you can’t return to your watercraft then try to angle for the shore where you can exit the river safely. Be careful of logs and other debris floating in the water. It’s easy to get tangled up in branches and snags along the shoreline.
Have fun, be safe and you’ll come back for another stay at the condo in Moab!